Thursday, April 28, 2011

Earth Day Project!

Thank you to these volunteers for their time and effort in cleaning up the school grounds!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Columbian Exchange Activity

EarthBuzz Students,

1.)   Please listen to this description of the Columbian Exchange:

2.)   Please select a recipe you would like to make from either of these websites!

3.)  Open Microsoft Word 
      - Copy and Paste to Word a recipe you would like to try :)
      - Research each ingredient in your recipe using Wikipedia: 
        Examples: history of grapes & history of pecans
      - Please list the history of the ingredient as "Old World or "New World" and country or region of origin.       
        Example:  Summer Curry Salad
        1/2 cup grapes =   "Old World" product native to Turkey
        1/3 cup pecans = "New World" product native to North America
        3 cups spinach =  "Old World" native to Asia

* We use the terms "Old World" and "New World" carefully and realize there are multiple perspectives to consider (especially that of the Native Populations of the Americas) when studying this time period of history.

Monday, April 18, 2011

African Cats - Earth Day Celebration!

Geography Practice: MAPS 101

Do you have additional free time at home and want to test your knowledge of geography of the world? Take a moment to view Shadow Ridge's latest online subscription, MAPS 101! There are several core features of the website including current event happenings, interactive maps, map collections, and a "Learn and Play" section. Did you know that April is "Earth Month" with "Earth Day" on April 22nd?! Check out the "Earth Month" happenings and maps to learn more! PS. Students check your planner for the username and password!