Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Inuits: Masters of the Arctic

Masters of the Arctic! Do you wish to learn more about the Inuit people from the Canadian territory of Nunavut, parts of Greenland, and parts of the United States? The "People of the Ice" still survive and have lived in this harsh environment near the Arctic Circle and around the North Pole for thousands of years. Students are focusing on one aspect of culture and creating a poster that displays their learning. Later this week, we will have a gallery walk of all the posters to piece our understandings together with a special focus on what resources did the Inuits use to survive in this Arctic and Subarctic environment?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Geography Bee

Congratulations to Brandon from Torrey's Peak for competing in the 2011 Shadow Ridge Geography Bee! Brandon made it to the 2nd round and competed against other core champions. If you want to learn more about geography awareness, view National Geographic's website in the study corner!

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